"PLAY IT AGAIN SPORTSBOOK" the Sportsbook from HELL!


Sep 20, 2004
I had almost forgot about this sorry excuse for a sportsbook, they called themselves "Play It Again Sports"

It was sometime in August 3 years ago when I recieved an advertisement for this place...The catch was they were offering a 100 dollar Bonus Play? NO MONEY SENT? WTF? So I called them up asked if I could play my free 100 dollar wager, it won , so I called back and asked to cash out
I must have been the first one that tried this
, the girl on the other end put me on hold but I could hear them talking, she came back on the phone got my address and said I`d recieve my money in a couple gays...So a few days went by, I really had my doubts but sure enough my money did arrive IN THE FORM OF A U.S.MONEY ORDER

So after that I figured these guys can`t be that bad so I sent them a dime...Had a real nice run with them , for some reason August is always a good month for The Journeyman
its NOv. and Dec.
that seem to kill me
so anyway , I played with them in August and September I had worked my account up to high 4 figures I think it was like 8-9 dimes....I was feeling good but hadn`t got a payout yet, I remember it was on a monday when I decided I better get some money sent, they didn`t open early, so when I came home late that afternoon I called them ...NO ANSWER!
I called them all night long that night
I became increasingly sick as the evening went on, it was also like week 2 MOnday Night Football...I didn`t even bother trying to play anywhere at that point because I felt like I just lost 9 dimes...So I called them on and off that night , finally I got a ringing phone on the other end...The man that answered told me he was the owner, his name was "Gordon"

I talked with him for quite awhile that night, he seemed very sincere, of course I was in panic mode as I had quite a chunk of change at his book. He assured me everything would be up and running very shortly...He had explained he was taking his book to a better location and was having trouble with the phone lines ...I really believed he was a good man from our conversation...He didn`t have that typical slicky boy attitude
at all, the one that I despise in a sportsbook representative

Austin of Grande is another who is all class, he had that same professionalism about him...

So by the next day or so I had gotten my payment request in and was told it was on its way, I left a couple grand in my account and requested the rest by check...When the check arrived it was a personal check which bounced, they sent a second check , this one was drawn on foreign currency
WTF? I`m trying to remember what the denomination was, but anyway I deposited it in my bank again...My stupid bank credited my account immediately this time ( why I never did find out) banks make rules as they go it seems
ask Dell Dude
, well about two weeks later my bank sends me notification that my account is overdrawn by 5000 dollars , holy shiat now what? The bank explanation was weak! They said they made a mistake crediting my account and since the check was foreign denomination it could take like 45 days or some ridiculous length of time
The problem was I had lost the 5 dimes back to these shitheads , my sportsbook account was down to like 1000 and my bank account was -5000 ...I was in deep shiat, so I tried what any desperate degenerate who had just been suckered by a 100 DOLLAR Bonus Play would do...I attempted a four teamer
and WON!

Now I was in the driver seat, the sportsbook check for 5 dimes would still clear so I had thought, the 10 dimes in my account would be paid so I had thought
! after about a month of phone calls to my bank and this "joint" it became hopeless...Eventually that number just rang and my bank account closed...ALL THIS STARTED ON A 100 DOLLAR Bonus Bet

I wonder if 'Gordon' is still out there

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